October 4, 2017

When Journalism Literature Should Be Silenced Talk Seno Gumira Ajidarma

Posted by on October 4, 2017
Landscape - Yogyakarta, 2005

"When silenced, literary journalism have to talk. Because when journalism with facts,talk talk literature with the truth. The facts can be embargoed, manipulated, or covered with black ink, but the truth appears by itself, such a reality. The journalism bound by the constraints of the thousand and one, from business to politics, to presenthimself, but was simply a literary integrity constraints themselves. Literature can were banned, but truth and literature coalesced together air, not defendants and unbearable. Cover the fact is political action, obscuring the truth is the dumbest human being could do in the face of the Earth.

"Kesustraan lives in mind. In the history of humanity, truth in literature is finally standing on its own, in the middle of the bustle of any sort of programmed in detail through the mass communication media. Engineering the most sophisticated mass media will quickly melted like ice cream, but the literature that is written on paper wipein the exile, from Rush to Siberia, from seconds to minutes gave rise to her, talk in all languages in the eight directions of the wind. Don't get me wrong, this isn't the hero interpretation of the literati, it only indicates the existence of literature.Every time the head of a decapitated man of letters, kebennaran in literature it would be reincarnated to a head a thousand other poets--i.e. anyone those who ' condemned ' to write the truth".

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